Have Your Say

Tell us your views, we are listening to residents and want to help.  If you want to do more than just tell us what you think, why not join us?

EWHCA Survey

  • Current What is your view on these issues?
  • Who will you support?
  • Your details
Do you support Labour controlled Enfield Council's plan to close half of Enfield's libraries?
Do you think Enfield Council should plan to build more housing on the Green Belt when so many brownfield sites remain undeveloped?
Do you support Enfield Council’s plans to build a crematorium incinerator on Church Street Recreation Ground?
Do you think Enfield Council is justified in raising its Green Bin charges by 25% to £100 a year?
Do you think Enfield Council should be buying expensive furniture for the Civic Centre when it is cutting the Council Tax benefits to some of the poorest people in the Borough?
Should Enfield Council reintroduce weekly bin collections for household waste?
Do you think Enfield Council has got fly tipping under control across the Borough?
If you are a council tenant, do you think your housing is well maintained by the Enfield Council
Do you support Enfield Council creating a closed off area around Edmonton Green (a LTN/"Quiet neighbourhood") using road closures and traffic cameras ?